Sponsor Us

As a not for profit organisation focused on social aims, Skidaddle provides the perfect opportunities for public sector organisations to showcase their corporate responsibility.

Our sporting events also provide an ideal stage for sponsors to publicise their support for Skidaddle and for the promotion of health and fitness in Scotland.


There are many ways to become a Skidaddle sponsor

Each Skidaddle event will provide a range of sponsorship opportunities to suit different demands and budgets. If you are interested in sponsoring an event please contact us to discuss further.


Sponsorship packages for events might include…

  • Your company Name included in the name of the event
  • Your company branding at the start or finish of the event
  • Your leaflets in goody bags
  • Sponsor our core activities
  • Sponsor us with provision of equipment. Please get in touch for details of our current wish list
  • Sponsor us with provision of a key service. Please get in touch to discuss further
  • Involve your staffing team in the provision of the Skidaddle service.

Skidaddle needs volunteers to marshal our sporting events. Why not provide your staff with the opportunity to work for Skidaddle one day a year while promoting healthy living amongst your workforce and showing dedication to their personal progression.


Sponsor a campaign

From time to time Skidaddle will launch a new campaign focussing on our aims and objectives. These campaigns will receive publicity and focus. Could your company be at the heart of our next campaign?

Don't just sit there... Skidaddle

Skiddadle © 2018 | All Rights Reserved | Skidaddle, Mclaren Learning Centre, Mollands Road, Callander, FK17 8JP.