Legal Structure

Skidaddle is a social enterprise set up as a company limited by guarantee.

A social enterprise is an organisation which is set up to address social issues rather than to make money.
With government grants and other social funding opportunities decreasing by the year, social organisations such as charities now have to generate their own income in order to meet their social aims.

In this way, the term and concept of “social enterprise” was formed.

Not all social enterprises are registered charities but the nature of a social enterprise means that it is “charitable” work that is carried out by the organisation.
Our constitution specifies that we are a “not for profit” organisation meaning that any profit made has to be put back into the company to further our social aims.

We also have an “asset lock” meaning that if we decide to close Skidaddle we need to donate our assets to another not for profit organisation.

Don't just sit there... Skidaddle

Skiddadle © 2018 | All Rights Reserved | Skidaddle, Mclaren Learning Centre, Mollands Road, Callander, FK17 8JP.